One day Aastha came running to her dad and said "dad I... uh.... came... as fast.... as I could.What is it Aastha?,asked her dad.Dad Vishwesh has been kidnapped!replied Aastha.What!How could that happen?Don't say one other word until the police get here,said her father.Sometime later the police arrive at the house.Aastha I'm inspector Natasha shinde.Will you start from the beginning?Don't leave anything out.Said inspector Natasha."Well,started Aastha.I picked up Vishwesh , my younger brother, from college and we were both heading home.We decided to take a shortcut through a desserted alley.Suddenly ,out of nowhere I got hit on the back of my head.When I came to ,I saw my asssailant walking away with his back to me.He was carrying Vishwesh over his shoulder towards a unmarked white van." Can you describe your assailant, Aastha? Sure ,through. I was a little hazy when I saw him.He was six feet tall and very well built.He wore a white cardigan and ripped blue jeans." Said Aastha.later that evening inspector Natasha called Aastha down to her office. "Thanks for coming down,these are two suspects my officer rounded up,one is a homeless man who was wearing a white cardigan and he was in the same area where your younger brother had been kidnapped".said Inspector Natasha."I was in the same area but I was in my office nearby",said the homeless man.Inspector Natasha continued,"one other is a delivery boy also matching the description." I was busy delivering the new cadbury popping to a flat in the nearby housing estate",said the delivery boy."I want to know who kidnapped my brother",Aastha said."I think I know who has kidnapped your brother",said Inspector Natasha. Who does Ispector Natasha suspect and why?TO FIND OUT PRESS THE LINK "FIND ANSWERS".